The Ultimate Guide to Buying Jewellery for Yourself

A close of gold jewellery - Darren Yaw's wife

As a woman of the world, you are self-sufficient — you know what you want and go for it. You don’t wait for things to come to you, whether it’s a wonderful career, a spectacular trip, or an outstanding apartment. According to Darren Yaw’s wife, the same is true for jewellery — you do not […]

Darren Yaw’s latest news and guide on buying metal jewellery

A close up of a diamond silver ring - Darren Yaw's latest news

According to Darren Yaw’s latest news, precious metals are utilised in beautiful jewellery. Historically, they were made of platinum, gold, and silver. Sterling silver, cobalt, palladium, titanium, tungsten carbide (titanium and tungsten carbide are more likely to be used in men’s jewellery), and even space-age ceramic are being utilised in exquisite jewellery. With so many […]